

Emma graduated in 2015 at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), Uppsala, Sweden. She received her postgraduate education at the department of Anatomy, Physiology and Biochemistry, SLU.

In 2020 she defended her thesis entitled “Evaluation of vertical movement asymmetries in riding horses” which investigates the clinical significance and interpretation of vertical movement asymmetries in riding horses under different circumstances and the use of objective systems to improve orthopaedic diagnostics. 

In parallel to her doctoral studies she worked at the University Equine Clinic, mainly in orthopaedics. Today she divides her time between research projects focusing on equine biomechanics and the use of objective lameness assessment systems, continued work in orthopaedics at the University Equine Clinic and lectures in equine anatomy at SLU.

E. (Emma) Persson-Sjödin - EGAS Course